2024 Lambing will begin sometime in April.. New lambs are posted on our Facebook page as they are born. If you'd like to purchase a sheep from Black Sparrow Ranch, you can reserve or waitlist a lamb.
Reserve a Lamb
With a deposit, you will have first choice of available lambs (those not retained for our breeding program.) To reserve a lamb, a deposit of $250 is required. Your name and information will be put on file along with your lamb preferences (breed, sex, color, etc.) As lambs are born, we will contact deposit holders with the option to purchase lambs which meet their preferences. Deposits are not refunded if a buyer changes their mind or cannot complete the transaction. Deposits will be refunded if unforeseen circumstances on Black Sparrow Ranch's end prevent us from providing you with the lamb you have requested. A finite number of deposits will be accepted based on the number of ewes breeding.
Waitlist a Lamb
The waitlist is for buyers who are interested in purchasing a lamb, but who are not ready to place a deposit. Your name and information will be put on file along with your lamb preferences. Any lambs who have not been retained for our breeding program or purchased by buyers who have placed a deposit will be offered to those on the waitlist before being offered to the general public. There is no guarantee for how many lambs, if any, will be offered to those on the waitlist.